Scrubber/Soap Holder
Scrubber/Soap Holder
Ladies and gentlemen, gather around and let me introduce you to the Scrubber/Soap Holder! *cue applause* This bad boy is the latest and greatest addition to our collection. You can find it at Trust me, it's worth the click.Now, let's get down to the nitty gritty. This thing is made of jute, which is like the hipster version of plastic. It's sustainable and eco-friendly, so you can feel good about using it. Plus, it's got some impressive specs. We're talking 12 inner holders, 240 cartons, and a cube of 2.64. I don't know about you, but those numbers make me feel all tingly inside.But wait, there's more! This baby is not just a scrubber, it's also a soap holder. *gasp* I know, mind blown. And it's not just any soap holder, it's a 5.0 x 3.5 dimensioned, air dry recommended, jute material soap holder. Can you handle all that awesomeness?So come on, folks. Don't miss out on this exciting new way to work with us. Get your hands on the Scrubber/Soap Holder today and make your shower routine a little more sustainable and a lot more fun. *wink*